The Centers for Disease Control define chronic diseases as those that limit the activities of daily living or require ongoing medical attention, and last at least a year or more. When defined that way, it’s not surprising that six in 10 American adults have at least one chronic condition, and four out of 10 live with two or more.
Employers can help employees with chronic diseases in a number of ways, such as by promoting healthy activities at work. These activities may include health assessments and screenings; newsletters and other educational information about healthy lifestyles; reduced-rate gym memberships or an on-site gym; smoking cessation programs; standing desks; healthy snacks in break rooms and vending machines; and healthy, catered meals to employees. These kinds of activities could help reduce health care costs while enhancing employee health and increasing productivity; they not only help staff who already have chronic conditions but can also help prevent their development in others.
If you know that your condition will affect your ability to work, you should let your boss know ahead of time. Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, companies are required to give reasonable accommodations when needed, whether that includes support from your company, scheduling flexibilities or additional instructions on assignments. The accompanying resource details more about this.