Nobody can judge the whims of the general public. Silver flower earrings may well become the next jewelry trend or silver tennis bracelets with jade highlights or golden hoop earrings. There’s just no way to know what’s next in line in fashion trends.
Trying to Spot Fashion Trends
But when you’re trying to stay profitable as a jewelry retailer, knowing what’s in and out at any given time would enable you to make your business extremely profitable. Being able to look into a crystal ball and get a jump on the competition by knowing what will become the next popular jewelry item would make your store the preferred place to shop for always-fashionable jewelry customers.
Unfortunately, there is no crystal ball telling you which jewelry will become popular. The best thing you can hope for is the ability to spot a trend developing and place an order for the items in time for you to take advantage of it.
Shipping Flexibility
That means keeping a finger on the pulse of fashion in your area, but it also means having a whole jewelry supplier that offers flexible shipping terms favorable to both express and normal deliveries.
Most shipping companies regularly offer three-to-four-day delivery terms to most countries in the world. But not every jewelry wholesaler can prepare an order that fast. The wholesaler has to have the right stock on hand in quantities that make it worth ordering.
Your supplier also has to offer good quality jewelry. Your store can’t afford to ruin your store’s carefully developed reputation in trying to meet the demands of a trend, no matter how lucrative it may be. And you never can tell when the trend will be over and your customers will have moved on to the next hot thing in fashion. By only stocking high-quality jewelry, you increase the chances that some customers will buy your items at some point.
How you place your order also helps you take advantage of a fashion trend. Your supplier may be halfway around the world. They may not be open for business during the hours when you first notice a trend developing.
But with online shopping, they don’t need to be. You can log in to your account, place your order, and know that they’ll have it and be processing it first thing in the morning, wherever they are. And with online shopping there’ll be no misunderstanding about the type of jewelry you want or the quantities.
Make Karen Silver Design Your Supplier
Karen Silver Design in Thailand is a trusted wholesale supplier to many jewelry retailers around the globe. They offer original designs of high-quality handmade jewelry. They also have an extensive catalog of designs to choose from, online ordering, and flexible shipping terms with DHL shipping.
Partnering with Karen Silver Designs allows you to have the best chance of taking advantage of fashion trends in jewelry. Why not become a valued customer of Karen Silver Designs for your next jewelry order and delivery?