The popularity of meditation has continued to grow as more people discover the immense benefits it offers.
The habitual process trains your mind to focus your thoughts and redirect them. With guided meditation, a trainer walks you through the process with their voice.
According to Mind, 1 in 4 people experience a mental health problem annually in the UK.
Guided meditation can help boost one’s mental health and general wellbeing.
Some people also use guided meditation to develop other beneficial habits such as healthy sleep patterns, self-discipline, and a positive mood.
Here are other benefits of guided meditation.
Helps in Reducing Stress by Calming the Body
Stress—physical and mental—increases the stress hormone cortisol. This causes adverse effects such as muscle tension, sleep problems, increased blood pressure, and promotes anxiety.
In a study, meditation was effective for depression and PTSD, both stress-related conditions. Additionally, the practice can also improve symptoms of other conditions such as fibromyalgia and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).
Improves Concentration and Lengthens Attention Span
Short attention spans have become one of the biggest problems. With limited concentration, a short attention span can have adverse negative effects in cases where concentration is vital such as in a classroom or workshop meeting.
Distractions make your mind wander off, losing focus. Regularly practising guided meditation can teach you to focus back from distractions, thus helping improve your concentration and sustain your attention for more extended periods.
Controls Anxiety
If you constantly feel worried and anxious about everyday events, practising daily guided audio meditations can help you overcome anxiety.
Anxiety leads people to unhealthy habits such as smoking and alcohol. Unlike these habits, meditation is a healthy way that helps to calm your nerves and learn to detach your mind from anxious thoughts. Deep breathing promotes a state of calmness, brings awareness from your anxious thoughts, and quietens your mind.
Improves the Quality of Sleep
Insomnia affects as high as 50% to 60% of the global population. Females, older people, and people with mental problems are more prone to insomnia and sleep irregularities,
Meditation causes a relaxation response that relaxes your body and releases tension. Additionally, melatonin levels (a hormone that helps control the sleep cycle) increase in your brain, and you’re more likely to fall asleep.
You can listen to a guided meditation before going to bed to help calm your mind and doze off.
Can Help with Addictions
Guided meditation can help cope with triggers, withdrawal symptoms, and cravings. People struggling with substance abuse experience low levels of dopamine. However, 65% of participants experienced a boost during meditation in a study.
Additionally, meditating can help co-occurring motivations of substance abuse, such as thoughts of worst-case scenarios, filling a void, and anxiety.
Guided Meditation Will Boost Your Overall Well Being
If you’re a beginner, you’ll find the guidance offered by the instructor during a guided meditation especially helpful. Your mind will wander now and then but don’t worry. Just observe them as they pass.
You’ll feel calmer, less stressed, and more relaxed when you practice guided meditation. You’ll connect with yourself at a deeper level, improve your mental and physical health, and boost your overall well-being.