We all know that traveling can be one of the most expensive activities out there. It goes hand in hand with being one of the most exciting. But right up there, with traveling on the list of things that will drain your bank account, is moving home. It does not matter whether you have known that you will be moving months ahead of time or whether you only find out a few weeks before you need to go, there are always going to be so many different costs to factor in.
If you are moving to a country as far away, not to mention exciting, as Singapore, your first reaction may very well be wondering how you will be able to keep control of your budget on earth. We know that things are very stressful out there right now when it comes to our finances, and there are very few of us who can afford to tell ourselves that we will worry about the costs at a later date. This is why preparation and research are so important. Here are a few tips to help you to keep your costs down during your big move.
Give Yourself As Much Time As Possible
One of the main reasons why we tend to go over budget is because we do not give ourselves enough time to do the proper research and preparation. This is how we end up paying through the nose for a service when we would have been able to find a much cheaper equivalent if we had more time. Granted, time may not always be on your side, but every week or month that you can give yourself will make a huge difference.
Find A Property Agent With Local Knowledge
Singapore is a relatively small island, and as such, finding the perfect home can be a little tricky. We do not need to tell you that finding somewhere to live is difficult, even if you are only moving down the street. When you are looking to buy or rent property in a whole other country, you are going to need all the help you can get. This is why it is so important to find a property agent or property group that not only has detailed local knowledge but has experience in helping ex-pats find a house or apartment. If you are looking to rent a room in Singapore, then visit Property Guru. They are the leading prop-tech group in five markets across Southeast Asia, and they are dedicated to taking as much of the pain and hassle out of finding a home as they can.
Shop Local Where You Can
Because Singapore is such a haven for businesses, you will definitely be able to find plenty of Western restaurants and bars, and you will be able to find many of your favorite grocery items in certain supermarkets. However, you will be paying more for these items, meals, and drinks than you would if you were to shop locally and try the local cuisine. Leaving aside the question of expense, you will not really get to grips with Singapore until you dive headfirst into the Singapore food experience. There are so many amazing local specialties to try and such a wide variety of dishes.
Embrace Public Transport
There are people out there who can’t imagine living without a car. However, if you are moving to Singapore, you may realize that having your own vehicle is not as necessary as you might think. The city has a stellar public transport service as the government has spent years heavily investing in the infrastructure. You will also be able to get taxis if you need to be driven somewhere in particular. And if you are looking to keep your costs down, you should know that there are some hefty expenses attached to owning a car in Singapore. Our advice would be to leave the car question to one side while you settle in. If you decide that you do really need one after a few months, then you will at least have saved money during this early period.
Find Your Expat Community And Ask For Tips
There is a large community of ex-pats living in Singapore, and you will find that there will be plenty of people who will be willing to share tips and hints on the best ways to adapt. Talk to your employer about the social situation at your company, and head online to find ex-pat websites and forums. You will obviously want to dive into the local nightlife and culture at your own pace, but it can make a huge difference to have someone who’s been through it before there with you.
Provided by USA Home Listings, help companies with moving leads